Vida Health & Wellness Centre

Where the focus is on YOUR health

Physiology of Emotions (Illness vs Emotions) & Resonance (Rife)   intervention (1 – DAY)

Workshop fees: R550 – 00 per individual attending

Presenter: Prof. Retha  Knoetze

This 1-day course offers an opportunity to obtain a clear understanding of the effect of emotions on the physiology within the human body. Adding to that is how to intervene with other modalities such as resonance and colour to address the identified illness/core emotion.

Date: Tuesday 21 May   2024

Venue: Touraco   Guesthouse, 197 Lavata Street, La Montagne, Pretoria, 0184

Contact number if you perhaps get lost: 082 411 6116 (Irene)

Time:   Arrival: 8:30

Commencement & duration: 09:00 – 16:00

Bookings: Your seat is secured on receipt of your completed registration form (see bottom of page to download form) and proof of payment not later than 13 May 2024, as space is limited.

Cost: R550 – 00 per participant (includes all course notes, refreshments and attendance certificate).

Please note that no lunch is provided and is at your own cost.

Refreshments are served on arrival as well as at 11h00. Lunch can be ordered from the menu at Touraco Guesthouse on the premises at your own cost. Or you may bring your own lunch.

It is not only for those having a Rife Medic Device. Anybody interested in understanding the body as well as how it relates to emotions and cravings etc. are welcome to attend

What is Illness & Emotions? An illness most of the times occur when the immune system of the body is under pressure. The different organs and relevant systems in the body do get “ill” due to the effect of suppressed emotions in the body. It is important to understand the effect of suppressed emotions within the body as it does have a definite  effect on the human body resulting in specific illnesses such as sinus, headache, lupus, arthritis, build up of toxins within the organs as well as blockages in the lymph system for example.

What is Resonance (Rife) Intervention? RifeMedic machines are quantum radionics bio-resonators and educational systems with enhanced features and functions. These devices are the most creative health support devices in the world today. A well designed bio-resonator will stimulate every facet of health and healing.

Target Audience: The course is recommended to any person wanting to promote longevity as well as a wide range of professionals, health care consultants, social workers, ministers of religion, counsellors, teachers, hairdressers, youth workers etc. It is a basic subject crucial to anyone who will deal with other people in their profession.

Course Content: The following is looked at in the workshop:

1. The body and its organs: An outlay is discussed pertaining to the organs within the body. This includes the illnesses attached to the liver, heart, stomach, gall bladder, lungs, intestines, spleen, bladder, kidneys etc.

2. The origin of emotions: It is important for the person involved to understand where emotion originates from. The effect of the emotions on the physical body and spine is outlined.

3. The effect of emotions on the body: The emotions play a cardinal role as basis in the manifesting of ill health. The relation of the emotions and specific organs is further outlined.

4. The underlying suppressed feelings in the body: Each organ “represents” specific emotions. Focus will be on the development of emotions in relation with the said organ. Sinus for instance is a symptom of a toxic liver as well as suppressed emotions (anger).

Facilitator Profile: Prof. Retha is a Registered Social Worker in Private Practice with a Ph.D in Interdisciplinary studies and has been working with adults and children in both individual and group settings for the past 49 years. She is also a registered Kobus Neethling Wholebrain Practitioner that deals with the different brain preferences, skills, relationships, communication skills etc.

Furthermore she holds a Doctorate in Mental Health - to ensure that the emotions and brain health is addressed effectively - and has a second Ph.D in Colour Intervention to broaden the support in a lifestyle wellness programme.

Contact: Prof. Retha Knoetze

Cell: 072 842 3506/ Tel: 087 265 9594 (VoIP)



Note:  If you are interested in attending this course but cannot attend during these dates, please inform us to ensure future notice.

(Zoom sessions are available for those who cannot reach our destination.)


Registration form workshops.pdf (123.86KB)
Registration form workshops.pdf (123.86KB)
